julia peres

Senin, 13 Juli 2009 komentar

Semenjak payudaranya hampir ngintip saat berjoget, Julia Perez lebih hati-hati dalam berbusana. Pelantun 'Belah Duren' itu merasa perlu menaruh perhatian khusus pada bagian dadanya yang memang besar.

"Yah kan payudara gue agak berlebih, jadi biasanya perlu perhatian khususlah terutama soal bajunya," ujarnya.

Meski akan memberi perhatian lebih pada bagian dada, bintang film 'Beranak Dalam Kubur' itu tak sampai merasa perlu memakai bra rangkap. "Nggak usahlah pakai bra double, kan hal itu bisa terjadi kepada siapa aja. Hati-hati aja deh," kata artis bertubuh seksi itu saat berbincang dengan detikhot via ponselnya, Senin (13/7/2009).

Selain lebih hati-hati saat beraksi di atas panggung, biasanya Jupe juga akan memastikan diri kapan naik pentas. Jika memang menyanyi di awal acara, berarti ia harus benar-benar mempersiapkan kostumnya jauh sebelum acara dimulai.

"Kan kalau nyanyi itu banyak bergerak, jadi gue siap-siap sebelum acara, itu aja sih, nggak ada yang ribet," ujar perempuan yang tengah proses cerai dengan Damien Perez itu.

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Mnah Surip Jadi Milyuner


For the popularity of affairs, could be champion Surip now are on the top, but if you tahukan song bertitel awkward, not so pickaback fenomenal, one of which is the value royaltinya worth Rp4, 5 billion!

"Nice course. The songs that I have long since nyanyikan from campus to campus. To Cafe cafe, studio to sangar. If it is a lot like a champion so happy," said the champion Surip relaxed when asked concerning the value of royalties that are fantastic.

KapanLagi.com found in Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Senin (13 / 7), the man called the original Urip Ariyanto then menuturkan ideals with money-citanya results is royalties.

"I was notified of the Telkomsel. To see the money it had not, therefore I'm not able to do ngomong. But I will remain behind to sodaqoh. Building on the mosque art for the art lover," he said.

Then the man with the sticky trademark dreadlock hair and color of each flag in Jamaica accessories, and also depict the division of royalties between it and the service provider.

"After listening to the songs that Iwas sing, ask the permission of Telkomsel. the comisi is 60-40, and of course very useful for me once," he said with a smile.

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Artis penyanyi Agnes Monica dikabarkan sedang menjalin hubungan dengan sang duda keren yang juga vokalis Ungu, Pasha. Keduanya ketahuan tertangkap kamera saat sedang berbicara berduaan. Benarkah ada cinta di antara keduanya?

"Jalan bareng? Nggak sih. Kalau kemarin itu kebetulan memang kita tampil di acara Pak SBY di Gelora Bung Karno. Jadi bukan jalan ke mana-mana. Kebetulan ruangan kita seberang-seberangan. Nggak jauh, kebetulan ada kamera yang menangkap, ya sudah deh," ujar Agnes saat ditemui di studio Penta, baru-baru ini.

Agnes pun kembali menegaskan jika hubungannya dengan Pasha hanya teman biasa. "Ini hanya hubungan antar musisi saja. Normal sajalah," ujarnya.

Lalu, apakah Agnes merasa dirugikan dengan gosip seperti ini? "kalau kitanya santai sih, nggak lah ya, biasa saja," ujarnya.

Status Agnes yang sangat jarang tampil dengan kekasihnya menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah dirinya sudah memiliki kekasih atau belum. Saat ditanyakan, Agnes menjawab, "Ada deh, yang pasti gini. aku memang lagi fokus sama karir, kalau aku sampai ada pasangan atau tidak, aku nggak mau ngomong dan dibesar-besarkan. Aku lebih senang berita soal aku ya soal prestasi," pungkasnya.

Juli 2009

Artis yang juga penyanyi Agnes Monica dikabarkan berpacaran dengan Runner Up Indonesian Idol 2006 Dirly Idol. Keduanya bahkan ditemui sedang asyik berduaan nonton konser Beyonce Knowles di Mangga Dua, belum lama ini.

"Saya memang dekat dengan Dirly. Memang kenapa?" tanya Agnes ketika ditanya wartawan. Agnes memang tak menyanggah kedekatannya dengan cowok ABG itu.

Kedekatan mereka berawal ketika Agnes dan Dirly menjadi sepasang kekasih di HUT RCTI dalam sebuah drama. Setelah itu hubungan mereka berlanjut dan sering terlihat pergi bersama.

"Dirly orangnya asyik. Nyambung diajak ngomong," kata Agnes.

Agnes menambahkan, malam itu dia tak datang berdua saja dengan Dirly. Tapi banyak kawan yang menemaninya.

"Aku juga datang sama Olga tadi. Tapi terpisah. Aku juga dekat sama beberapa orang di Indonesian Idol seperti Delon. Tapi Delon nggak bisa ikutan karena ada kerjaan," kata Agnes

November 2007

mulan jameela

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009 komentar

Mulan Jameela (born in Garut, West Java, 23 August 1982; the age of 26 years, the name was born Raden Terry Tantri Wulansari) is an Indonesian singer. He previously also known as Mulan Kwok. Initial popularity started when a group of Queen vocalist in early 2005. Once separated from the Queen in 2007, Mulan released solo album perdananya Mulan Jameela in 2008.

Album :
  • Ratu & Friends (2005)
  • No. Satu (2006)
  • Mulan Jameela (2008)
  • The Best Of Republik Cinta Artists Vol. 1 (2008)
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foto biografi dewi sandra


Dewi Sandra Killick (born in Brazil, 3 April 1980, age 29 years) is the, presenters and performers Indonesia. Dewi has a mixture of blood and the UK and Indonesia remain berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. First husband was actor named Surya Saputra. They later divorced and then married with Dewi singer Roselle Nava on 3 April 2006.
Dewi started his career in the entertainment world as a model at the age of a dozen years. Not only the model, the Goddess and then pull away with the sound album launch dance with eight other models. Feeling album got positive response from the market, Dewi released solo album perdananya kurasakan in 1998. Followed by a second album Not Want More (2000). Who successfully awarded AMI Awards for Album Best R & B 2001.

The mildly annoying singer Dewi Sandra was raised a Christian, but converted to Islam in 2000 in order to marry her first husband, Surya Saputra. This marriage was shortlived and in 2006 Dewi found love in the arms of another singer, Roselle Nava, who is a Christian.

When the singing couple married there had been plans to marry in a church in Bali, but the location was changed to a hotel at the last moment when somebody realised that Dewi was still a Muslim. Nevertheless the wedding ceremony was led by a Balinese pastor.

Important Notice

Many it seems have been speculating of late that Dewi will revert to Christianity, but on May 6th 2008, on her own website, she made it clear that she was still a Muslimah and had no plans to switch back to the other side.

Yesssss….i am still a muslim

Dewi says she has read all of the holy books of several religions and they all have their good points, and that ordinarily she doesn’t like talking about religion but all the rumours in the media have forced her hand
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foto biografi gossip bella saphira


bella saphira initiated his career when he was selected to be one of the finalists after the wedding Sampul bid appears to be a model of the various ad products. Bella saphira career began when he was elected climb into Favorite Stars Lux choice community.

Bella Saphira Veronica Simanjuntak or more popular with the name of Bella Saphira, was born in Magelang, Central Java, 6 August 1973. He is known as a star with the world and sing akting.

In Italian, Bella has a beautiful meaning, Saphira are the name of the type of beautiful stones (sapphire). Veronica is also the name disandangnya, making them familiar with the calls during the Ica TK.

In 1988, Bella was selected to be finalists Sampul Girls, and a number of bids appear to be a model for advertising various products. And subsequent performance as Lux Favorite Stars.

Besides, also known as Bella pernyanyi and never reach the degree finalist Voice of Asia in 1991. Bella album of them titled Nostalgia SMA (1996), Prambors indo 8 (Single) (1993), Voice of Asia (Single) (1992) and Lo heart (album) (2005).

Until this time, Bella is not yet married, but in the journey of his life he had been the beloved Adjie Massaid almost 2 years.

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